College GPA Calculator

The college GPA calculator determines the GPA based on the letter or percentage grades and course credits.

Course (Optional) Grade Grade Credits Weight  

Final GPA Calculator

This calculator returns the additional GPA needed to achieve the desired GPA.

How Does the College GPA Calculator Work?

  1. Firstly, choose the grade type that you want to enter in the calculator. Either you can choose 'Letters' or 'Percentage'.
  2. Enable the 'Weighted GPA' option if you want to calculate the weighted grade point average for your high school.
  3. Now enter the course name, grade (in letter or percentage), credits, and weight.
  4. You can add more courses using the 'Add Course' button.
  5. Enter the previous cumulative GPA and credits if needed.
  6. Lastly, click on the 'Calculate' button to obtain your GPA and total credits or hours. The tool also shows the step-by-step GPA calculation.
  7. By pressing the 'Reset' button, you can start over with new calculations.